cram in

There was such a cram in the church .
How can my mind cram in so many English words in a day !
I could never cram in all that she does in a day .
I apologize for everyone having to cram in such a small space .
So administrators often cut recess in order to cram in more instruction and class work .
That encourages universities to cram in foreigners , while sometimes skimping on everything else .
There 's a desire to do as much as we can , and cram in what would usually be done in a year .
While the game was primarily a first person shooter , Gearbox managed to cram in a solid RPG experience as well .
How can a clam cram in a cran cream can ?
Analysis shows HBVC is superior to CRAM in many aspects , such as expandability , network delay , maximum system throughput , support to traffic engineering , compatibility and implementation complexity .
Over the past year , many have had to lease additional floors in other parts of central , or at least reconfigure their office space to cram in more desks .
But the36-year-old sales officer began a defiant battle against the disease-as well as trying to cram in as many memorable trips with her family as possible .
Eager to cram in as much top-level football as possible , the stalwart accepted Fabio Capello 's invitation to temporarily come out of international exile for the2010 World Cup .
Alongside his recording career , multi-talented Ed has managed to cram in cameos in Bridget Jones 's Baby , Game Of Thrones and Home And Away .
If youre busy , you might be tempted to put off your studying and cram in a big chunk of learning once every week or two . However , studying a little every day is actually more effective .
This picture shows the street cram school in India 's street .
The new aspiring professionals are known as " ants " because of both their eagerness to work and a willingness to cram together in poor living conditions .
Yang paid for Qianqian to attend a cram school in preparation for the entrance exam , and also tutored Qianqian herself , after first teaching herself the material .
I suggest that you take it easy and try your best to cram more things in .
Take your time determining the size : cram your feet in the smallest shoes possible , then add some sizes until you feel comfortable .
They present fun and creative problems that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills , the two most important skills that Chinese students are missing in the current exam-oriented , cram education system in China .
The room 's full , we can 't cram any more people in .
The case is small ; we can 't cram any more papers in .
Cram regularity is used in the essay to discuss the manifestation of several projection forms and their relationship and transformation .
French commuters cram onto the subway in Paris on the first day of a transit strike in France .
Ice Cram Mix is available in 6 flavors ; Vanilla , Chocolate , Strawberry , Ube Yam , melon and Creamy Milk .
Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Salicylic Acid on Salt Tolerance of Strawberry ( Fragaria × ananassa Duch ) Plants Ice Cram Mix is available in 6 flavors ; Vanilla , Chocolate , Strawberry , Ube Yam , melon and Creamy Milk .